Rutger can act, that's the real tragedy here.
With a title like that, and starring Rutger Haur, it couldn't be anything but B grade crap.
And it was! Start to finish.
The plot, if you can call it that, is simplistic in the extreme, and really only exists to give an excuse for all the splatter gore. That said, if you like splatter gore and imaginative deaths, you may enjoy this a little.
Some of the ideas were moderately interesting as well, if extremely poorly executed.
In conclusion I'd have to say: I saw this film for free, it still wasn't worth the price.
On a side note, the makers of the film got down on the Torrent sharing community for 'stealing' their film. I would humbly suggest that if this is the pinnacle of ones film making talents, one should be happy for any audience at all.
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