Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A note to the rich

When I look at your wealth and your houses and pools and fancy cars, I don't get jealous of your success, I don't even see the sucess that you see.
I see a complicity in evil.
A willful self ignorance to rival the most pig headed of lowly beasts. You think you are commiting no evil by going to work, earning the money, climbing the ladders, but you are wrong.
In my eyes at least.
Take the possesions, the freedoms and the well being of the poorest human; everything we own over that is greed, pure and simple. Taking more than your fair share of the net wealth of the world.
Try as you might to convince yourself that you have earned your wealth, I can most likely prove otherwise. There are very few actually necessary jobs in the world. Engineers, educators, health carers, scientists, certain buerocrats and farmers. That's about it. The vast majority of other jobs are little more than work creation, and many of them take an extremely unfair slice of the global pie.
The ones who dissapoint me most are the really smart, talented ones who choose to sell out as a concious effort of will.
I know a few.
Some I even count as friends.


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